

Facility status is updated at 3 p.m. on weekdays and 7 a.m. on weekends. All sites are reviewed daily for possible status changes; however, they are only updated in the system when the status changes. 

Example: If a site was open yesterday and remains open today, the status will not be updated in the system, meaning that the status will now reflect "updated two days ago.

  • Colors / Symbols
    • Green = Open / Game-time
    • Yellow = Delayed,
    • Red = Closed
    • ? = Important information (e.g., blackout, weather delay, parking restriction) 
  • Facilities are listed alphabetically. Outdoor facilities are listed first, followed by gymnasiums.

*Although game and practice-time decisions are made by 3 p.m. on weekdays and 7 a.m. on weekends, coaches and/or umpires make the final determination for elementary and middle school sites (and other non-staffed sites), if weather or field conditions have changed. Please contact your league or coach, if you are uncertain about the status of a practice or game.